Static Binaries
GNU/Linux (i386)
- feuerkraft-0.1.0-3-binary-linux-i386.tar.bz2 [2.6MB] Sat Apr 19 16:25:45 2003
- [2.3MB] Mon Apr 1 00:37:15 2002
Source Tarballs
Requires ClanLib 0.6.x, SphriteLib, Guile and OpenGL.
- feuerkraft-0.1.0.tar.gz [2.7MB] Sat Mar 30 13:42:14 2002
- feuerkraft-0.0.3.tar.gz [780kb] Wed May 9 20:33:27 2001
- feuerkraft-0.0.2.tar.gz [688kb]
- firepower-0.0.1.tar.gz [452kb]
- firepower-0.0.0.tar.gz [188kb]
Source for images and other data
The source for the images, which means the layered .xcf files, are not provided in the tarball above, since they are quite large and not needed to compile the game from source. They are also not part of the Subversion source tree. The .xcf files should be mostly interesting for artist which want to modify some of the in game gfx. You can find the .xcf files at:
svn checkout svn://